Custom Theme

Fully Customised WordPress Theme

Klyp built a custom WordPress theme, with individual components tailor-made for AssetOn. One of the primary aims of this project was to design a website which was easy for the client to use. This gives them the capacity to update website content directly, saving both time and money in the future.


Optimising Images

We optimised all the images used throughout the AssetOn website for each breakpoint. This prevents bandwidth being wasted, as images are only loaded at an appropriate size that corresponds with the size of the display on the device the website is being viewed from. For example, an image at a smaller size is downloaded when viewing on a mobile phone, and a larger image is downloaded on a large desktop monitor. This ensures the images load quickly and in turn so does the website; which results in a more satisfying user experience thereby increasing the chances they will convert. These images are also Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) friendly; so the website is more likely to appear in organic search results, at no direct cost to AssetOn (as opposed to paying for advertising to appear in search results).


Interactive Timeline

Klyp built a custom interactive timeline feature on the Process page of the AssetOn Advantage website. The timeline component is reusable so AssetOn can easily repurpose this design element in future; thereby extending the longevity of this website theme. This affords the AssetOn Advantage team a degree of independence to manage future website updates without having to engage a developer. Instead, they are equipped with the capability to make small-scale edits in the back-end to refresh the content on their site.