By Brian | | in Marketing, Technology

As a full-service digital agency, we are very different to a Government department.

In comparison to these larger departments, the team at Klyp work predominately within the private sector, servicing clients with specialist expertise across marketing, creative and technology.

Although different, the agile nature of agency based work allows us to understand the Governments need to adapt to a rapidly changing landscape. We work amongst this environment each and every day alongside our private sector clients, helping them to update their systems and assets, acquire new customers and increase their revenues.

If we fail then we don’t get paid, as is the nature of our industry. This proves to be a pretty big incentive to do a great job, and doing a great job is why we’re still here, 15 years and counting.

In 2014, Klyp gained the opportunity to work with the Department of Child Safety and the CREATE Foundation. An end-to-end digital solution, SORTLI, was designed and built to help engage and support young people in care programs transition to independence. As a target demographic who is notoriously disengaged with Government, a diverse and different way of thinking was required for an effective approach. Memories of the young participant’s colourful profanity when asked what they thought of Government are still front of mind when reflecting on the project.

SORTLI was (and still remains to be) one of our favourite achievements to date, with thousands of downloads and ongoing feature enhancements. A national rollout is now underway with customisations for Victoria, New South Wales (rebranded as the “Resolve” app), South Australia and Western Australia.

The SORTLI project began as many of our full-service projects do. A solution during the initial stages can sometimes remain unclear, and so, a discovery workshop is implemented to unpack the problem at hand and uncover the possible solutions at play.

Of all the weird, wonderful and wacky ideas that were discussed, as a team we chose the most feasible and viable option. Branding the concept followed shortly after this decision, moving next through the agile phases of designing a prototype and developing the application in its’ full form. The completed solution was launched by the Minister for Child Safety within six months of starting the SORTLI project.

SORTLI continues to be a great example of an end-to-end solution through our full-service abilities as an agency. We love participating in and providing solutions to any and every part of a project timeline.

A number of clients have realised the incredible difference partnering with Klyp makes when designing an initial prototype for their projects. This unique service allows them to deliver a visual business case during their pitch to the decision-makers of the organisation for funding. The apparent reduction of attention spans in today’s society demands a point of difference, and providing a visual business case (as opposed to a written one) can effectively break through this challenge.

In our industry, we are frequented with the innovation buzzwords including design thinking, human-centred design, rapid ideation, agile, MVP etc. To be perfectly honest, these terms have been cemented in our DNA long before their rise to popularity, so tend not to be the focus of our discussions with clients – they know we’ve got the creative goods down pat! Conversations are more likely to fall around the core values of meeting the clients’ objectives, providing new solutions to old problems and completing the project truly showing our value for the money invested.

If your goal is to expand your abilities (or exploring new ones) while thinking differently, we’d love to help kick start the journey. Feel free to explore some more of our previous projects and get in touch via the website or visit the team at our BiiG booth for a chat.